BA (Honours) en études linguistiques avec allemand et espagnol
Online United Kingdom
3 up to 6 Years
À plein temps, À temps partiel
05 Sep 2024
Oct 2024
GBP 21 816 *
Apprentissage à distance
* Le coût total, à temps partiel à raison de 60 crédits, est de 3 636 £ par an.
Il s'agit de l'une des nombreuses combinaisons de matières de notre BA (Honours) Language Studies (Q30). Vous étudierez une série d'aspects liés à la langue et à la culture allemandes et espagnoles à travers le monde - y compris l'histoire, l'actualité et les arts - grâce à une série de supports interactifs et d'activités pratiques. Vous développerez également des compétences académiques et numériques transférables. À l'issue de ce programme, vous posséderez un niveau élevé de compétences en langues vivantes et de compétences interculturelles, ce qui fera de vous un communicateur efficace à l'échelle mondiale.
Principales caractéristiques du cours
- Il vous permet de devenir un utilisateur compétent (niveau C1 du Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues) de l'allemand et de l'espagnol.
- Développe une connaissance avancée des cultures où l'allemand est utilisé et où l'espagnol est utilisé.
- Étend vos compétences en matière de communication interculturelle.
Nos diplômes sont aussi accessibles que possible et nous disposons d'une gamme complète de services de soutien. Notre BA (Honours) Language Studies utilise une variété de matériel d'étude et comprend les éléments suivants :
- Étude en ligne - la plupart des modules sont en ligne ; certains comportent un mélange de matériel imprimé et en ligne. Les ressources d'apprentissage en ligne peuvent inclure des sites web, des fichiers audio/vidéo et des activités interactives.
- Didacticiels en ligne
- Travail de groupe
- Utiliser et produire des diagrammes et des captures d'écran
- Trouver du matériel externe/de tiers en ligne
- Accès aux catalogues et bases de données en ligne
- Évaluation sous forme de questions à réponse courte, d'essais, de présentations orales et d'évaluations interactives de l'expression orale.
- Retour d'information - l'évaluation continue comprend le retour d'information de la part de votre tuteur et l'utilisation de ce retour pour améliorer vos performances.
- Horaires prédéterminés - nous vous aiderons à développer vos compétences en matière de gestion du temps.
- Écoles en ligne intégrées (modules de langues de niveau 2 de l'OU)
Le temps qu'il faut
- Études à temps partiel : 6 ans
- Études à temps plein : 3 - 4 ans
- Délai : 16 ans
Résultat du programme
À la fin de vos études, vous serez en mesure de démontrer que vous pouvez :
Knowledge and understanding
- Communicate fluently and appropriately with competent speakers of at least two languages in a broad variety of oral and written contexts, including academic ones, maintaining a high degree of grammatical accuracy and appropriate style
- Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of aspects of the societies of the countries where each language is spoken (including aspects such as literatures, cultures, linguistic contexts, politics, geography, and social and economic structures)
- Show intercultural communicative competence, including a reasoned awareness and critical understanding of the cultures and societies associated with each language and the ability to describe, analyse and evaluate the similarities and dissimilarities between cultures and societies with your own
- Recognise the relationship between language and social and political processes, as well as debates surrounding the historical and contemporary relationships between other languages
- Recognise how language develops, works and changes, and how it is used in a variety of contexts and for a variety of purposes
- Understand the nature of linguistic evidence and the different methods used in the collection, description and analysis of language data. (This learning outcome only relates to the routes which include English Language)
- Understand the communicative processes associated with a range of spoken and written academic and/or literary genres.
Cognitive skills
- Make use of a wide variety of written, spoken and multimodal texts for different audiences, employing appropriate reading and listening strategies
- Interpret and critically evaluate evidence in the light of alternative explanations, arguments and theories
- Write texts of different types, following appropriate structures and conventions, selecting and making critical use of written and spoken sources
- Make spoken presentations on particular topics, using appropriate styles and techniques, and take part in a wide variety of spoken interactions, using appropriate discourse strategies.
Practical and/or professional skills
- Work independently, scheduling tasks and managing time effectively
- Gather and process information from a variety of paper, audio-visual and electronic sources
- Demonstrate analytical and problem-solving skills related to academic tasks, including collecting and analysing linguistic data (this learning outcome only relates to the routes which include the English language)
- Make independent judgements and construct coherent arguments, supported by evidence and appropriately referenced
- Plan and undertake small-scale research.
Key skills
- Recognise and use effective learning strategies
- Gather, identify, use and evaluate information from a variety of sources and in a variety of forms
- Respond to feedback to improve the effectiveness of written and spoken communication
- Use information and communication technologies (ICT) as a means of communication, as an aid to learning generally and as an aid to collaborative learning
- Understand, interpret and discuss basic statistical data in the form of graphs, tables and diagrams.
This qualification has three stages, each comprising 120 credits.
- In Stage 1, you’ll study a compulsory 30-credit module. You’ll choose your remaining 90 credits from a range of language modules.
- In Stage 2, you’ll study a 60-credit German module and a 60-credit Spanish module.
- In Stage 3, you’ll study a 60-credit German module and a 60-credit Spanish module.
Your chosen route will be a combination of two modern languages. You have two options for completing the different stages of your study:
- study both languages at the same time, working through Stages 1, 2 and 3 in order, or
- study one language first, completing these modules at each Stage, then repeating the route for your second language.
Whichever option you choose, if you start as a beginner when studying any modern languages you’ll study 150 credits at Stage 1. Your degree will take at least four years to complete.
Stage 1 (120 credits)
You'll study the following:
- Exploring languages and cultures (L161)
You'll choose 90 credits from the following lists (at least 30 must be from list B):
List A:
- Introduction to French studies (beginners) (L102)
- Introduction to German studies (beginners) (L103)
- Introduction to Spanish studies (beginners) (L106)
- Beginners’ Chinese (L108)
- Introducing English language studies (L101)
- English for academic purposes online (L185)
List B:
- French Studies 1 (intermediate) (L112)
- German Studies 1 (intermediate) (L113)
- Spanish Studies 1 (intermediate) (L116)
Stage 2 (120 credits)
You'll study both of the following:
- German Studies 2: Language and Culture of the German-speaking world (L223)
- Spanish Studies 2: Language and Culture of the Spanish-speaking world (L226)
Stage 3 (120 credits)
You'll study both of the following:
- German Studies 3: Language and Culture of the German-speaking world (L333)
- Spanish Studies 3: Language and Culture of the Spanish-speaking world (L336)
Our assessments are all designed to reinforce your learning and help you show your understanding of the topics. The mix of assessment methods will vary between modules.
Computer-Marked Assignments
- Usually, a series of online, multiple-choice questions.
Tutor-Marked Assignments
- You’ll have a number of these throughout each module, each with a submission deadline.
- They can be made up of essays, questions, experiments or something else to test your understanding of what you have learned.
- Your tutor will mark and return them to you with detailed feedback.
End-of-Module Assessments
- The final, marked piece of work on most modules.
- Modules with an end-of-module assessment won’t usually have an exam.
- Some modules end with an exam. You’ll be given time to revise and prepare.
- You’ll be given your exam date at least 5 months in advance.
- Most exams take place remotely, and you will complete them at home or an alternative location.
- If a module requires you to take a face-to-face exam, this will be made clear in the module description, and you will be required to take your exam in person at one of our exam centres.