BA (avec distinction) en arts et sciences humaines
Online United Kingdom
3 up to 6 Years
À plein temps, À temps partiel
05 Sep 2024
Oct 2024
GBP 21 816 *
Apprentissage à distance
* coût par an à temps plein; 3 168 £ - coût par an à temps partiel
De la poésie aux quatuors à cordes, de la sculpture aux nouvelles, l'extraordinaire diversité de la culture humaine offre de riches possibilités d'étude. Ce cours large et absorbant développe une compréhension approfondie du monde dans lequel nous vivons et comment nous sommes arrivés ici, couvrant une variété fascinante de perspectives, de périodes et de sujets - y compris l'histoire de l'art, les études classiques, l'écriture créative, la langue anglaise, la littérature anglaise, l'histoire, langues modernes, musique, philosophie et études religieuses. Vous apprendrez de la recherche universitaire de classe mondiale de l'OU, grâce à des matériaux de module de haute qualité et vous engagerez avec d'autres étudiants du monde entier.
Principales caractéristiques du cours
- Étudiez une grande variété de sujets avec la possibilité de vous spécialiser dans une ou deux disciplines pour adapter le diplôme à vos intérêts ou besoins
- Explorer de nouvelles façons de penser les arts et les sciences humaines et leur pertinence dans les sociétés et les cultures contemporaines
- Développer une gamme de compétences, y compris une communication efficace, la pensée critique, l'analyse et le travail autodirigé
- Enrichissez vos connaissances, préparez-vous à poursuivre vos études ou améliorez votre employabilité dans une gamme de carrières
Nous rendons toutes nos qualifications aussi accessibles que possible et proposons une gamme complète de services pour accompagner tous nos étudiants. Le BA (Honours) Arts and Humanities utilise une variété de matériaux d'étude et comporte les éléments suivants:
- étudier un mélange de matériel imprimé et en ligne - les ressources d'apprentissage en ligne peuvent inclure des sites Web, des clips audio/vidéo et des activités interactives telles que des quiz en ligne
- trouver du matériel externe/de tiers en ligne
- travailler en groupe avec d'autres étudiants
- travailler avec du matériel de lecture spécialisé comme des œuvres d'art et des manuscrits musicaux
- en utilisant un logiciel spécialisé (par exemple le package d'écriture musicale Sibelius)
- utiliser et/ou produire des schémas et des captures d'écran
Résultat du programme
Knowledge and understanding
When you complete your studies for this degree, you will be able to:
- Draw on your study of different subject areas to understand texts, objects, languages, cultures, and histories
- Understand and use key terms, concepts, and approaches from different subject areas (such as art history, classical studies, creative writing, English literature, history, modern languages, music, philosophy, and religious studies)
- Recognize how the study of the arts and humanities is relevant to issues of ethical, social, and public concern
- Understand how knowledge is created, challenged, and shared in different subject areas.
Cognitive skills
When you complete your studies for this degree, you will be able to:
- Synthesize information from different sources and communicate it clearly
- Engage critically with familiar and unfamiliar points of view
- Draw appropriate conclusions based on different kinds of evidence and argument
- Select and use approaches from different subject areas to create, challenge, and share knowledge
- Take an evaluative approach to your study and writing.
Practical and professional skills
By the end of the degree, you will have developed and demonstrated:
- Degree-level skills in reading, note-taking, and writing
- The ability to synthesize and communicate information effectively
- Critical thinking skills to evaluate arguments and draw appropriate conclusions
- Confidence in working as an independent learner
- Awareness of transferable skills.
Key skills
When you complete your studies for this degree, you will be able to:
- Utilize methods from various subject areas to comprehend texts, objects, languages, cultures, and histories
- Communicate ideas clearly, tailored to your subject, purpose, and audience
- Adhere to good academic practices, including appropriate referencing
- Employ online tools to enhance learning across different subject areas
- Apply graduate-level skills in information literacy to find and critically evaluate online information
- Study independently and reflectively, planning and assessing your learning in diverse subject areas.
This degree has three stages, each comprising 120 credits.
- You’ll start Stage 1 with a broad introduction to the arts and humanities followed by up to two modules chosen from a variety of subjects.
- Next, at Stages 2 and 3, you can specialise in one or two subjects or combine modules from across the arts and humanities curriculum.
Stage 1 (120 credits)
You'll start your degree with:
- Discovering the arts and humanities (A111)
We recommend you complete Stage 1 with either of these modules:
- Cultures (A112)
- Revolutions (A113)
Stages 2 and 3 (240 credits)
At the start of Stage 2, you can focus on one or two subjects, or continue to study your combination of arts and humanities modules. It's a good idea to think ahead to your Stage 3 choices, as we may recommend a particular Stage 2 module first (see module descriptions for further details).
Choosing your route through the degree
One specialist route (for example, Art history) – you'll study two modules at Stages 2 and 3, one from your chosen specialism and one selected from a wide choice of options.
Two specialist routes (for example, Art history and English literature) – you'll study two modules at Stages 2 and 3, one from each of your specialisms.
Broad route – choose from a variety of arts and humanities modules.
Art history
Stage 2 (120 credits)
Specialist Modules: You'll choose one from:
- Art and Life Before 1800 (A237)
- Art and Visual Cultures in the Modern World (A236)
Option Module:
- You'll choose one from the list of Stage 2 option modules.
Stage 3 (120 credits)
Specialist Module:
- Art and Its Global Histories (A344)
- Art and Its Critical Histories (A336)
Option Module:
- You'll choose one from the list of Stage 3 option modules.
Classical studies
Stage 2 (120 credits)
Specialist modules – you'll choose one from:
- Classical Latin: The Language of Ancient Rome (A276)
- Exploring the Classical World (A229)
Option Module:
- You'll choose one from the list of Stage 2 option modules.
Specialist modules – you'll choose one from:
- Greek and Roman Myth: Stories and Histories (A350)
- The Roman Empire (A340)
Option Module:
- You'll choose one from the list of Stage 3 option modules.
Creative writing
Stage 2 (120 credits)
Specialist Module:
- Creative Writing (A215)
Option Module:
- You'll choose one from the list of Stage 2 option modules.
Specialist Module:
- Advanced Creative Writing (A363)
Option Module:
- You'll choose one from the list of Stage 3 option modules.
Stage 3 (120 credits)
Specialist Module:
- Advanced Creative Writing (A363)
Option Module:
- You'll choose one from the list of Stage 3 option modules.
English language
Stage 2 (120 credits)
Specialist Module:
- Specialist Module: English in the World (L201)
- Option Module: You'll choose one from the list of Stage 2 option modules.
Stage 3 (120 credits)
Specialist Modules: You'll choose one from:
- Language and Creativity (E302)
- Language, Literature, and Childhood (L301)
Option Module:
You'll choose one from the list of Stage 3 option modules.
English literature
Stage 2 (120 credits)
Specialist Module: You'll choose one from:
- Literature Matters (A240)
- Telling Stories: The Novel and Beyond (A233)
Option Module: You'll choose one from the list of Stage 2 option modules
Stage 3 (120 credits)
Specialist Module: You'll choose one from:
- English Literature from Shakespeare to Austen (A334)
- Literature in Transition: From 1800 to the Present (A335)
Option Module:
You'll choose one from the list of Stage 3 option modules
Stage 2 (120 credits)
Specialist Module:
- French Studies 2: Language and Culture of the French-speaking World (L222)
Option Module:
- You'll choose one from the list of Stage 2 option modules
Stage 3 (120 credits)
Specialist Module:
- French Studies 3: Language and Culture of the French-speaking World (L332)
Option Module:
- You'll choose one from the list of Stage 3 option module
Stage 2 (120 credits)
Specialist Module:
- German Studies 2: Language and Culture of the German-speaking World (L223)
Option Module:
- You'll choose one from the list of Stage 2 option modules
Stage 3 (120 credits)
Specialist Module:
- German Studies 3: Language and Culture of the German-speaking World (L333)
Option Module:
- You'll choose one from the list of Stage 3 option modules
Stage 2 (120 credits)
Specialist Modules: You'll choose one from:
- Early Modern Europe: Society and Culture c.1500-1780 (A223)
- The British Isles and the Modern World, 1789–1914 (A225)
Option Module:
You'll choose one from the list of Stage 2 option modules
Stage 3 (120 credits)
Specialist Modules: You'll choose one from:
- Empires: Power, Resistance, Legacies (A328)
- Europe 1914-1989: War, Peace, Modernity (A327)
- The Making of Welsh History (A329)
Option Module:
- You'll choose one from the list of Stage 3 option modules
Stage 2 (120 credits)
Specialist module: You'll choose one from:
- Understanding Music (A234)
- Music, Sound, and Technology (A232)
Option module:
- You'll choose one from the list of Stage 2 option modules
Stage 3 (120 credits)
Specialist module: You'll choose one from:
- Central Questions in the Study of Music (A342)
- Creative Music Making (CTLU302)
Stage 2 (120 credits)
- Specialist module: Investigating Philosophy (DA223)
- Option module: You'll choose one from the list of Stage 2 option modules
Stage 3 (120 credits)
- Specialist module: Key Questions in Philosophy (A333)
- Option module: You'll choose one from the list of Stage 3 option modules
Religious studies
Stage 2 (120 credits)
Specialist module:
- Exploring Religion: Places, Practices, Texts, and Experiences (A227)
Option module:
- You'll choose one from the list of Stage 2 option modules
Stage 3 (120 credits)
Specialist module:
- Why is Religion Controversial? (A332)
Option module:
- You'll choose one from the list of Stage 3 option modules
Stage 2 (120 credits):
Specialist module:
- Spanish Studies 2: Language and Culture of the Spanish-speaking World (L226) - 60 credits
Option module:
- You'll choose one from the list of Stage 2 option modules - 60 credits
Stage 3 (120 credits):
Specialist module:
- Spanish Studies 3: Language and Culture of the Spanish-speaking World (L336) - 60 credits
Option module:
You'll choose one from the list of Stage 3 option modules - 60 credits
Broad route
Stage 2 (120 credits):
Option modules:
- You'll choose two from the list of Stage 2 option modules
Stage 3 (120 credits):
Option modules:
- You'll choose two from the list of Stage 3 option module
Teaching, learning and assessment methods
Cognitive skills are taught cumulatively and in ways that will vary according to which modules you choose to study. They will include the use of written materials, in-text questions, audio, visual and/or interactive material, carefully monitored feedback on assignments, as well as virtual tutorials and conferencing. The essay is a principal form of assessment, though you may also work on short-answer questions and a range of reflective assignments.
You will be responsible for choosing your Pathway through the degree, but support is available: you will have a designated tutor for each module; access to learner support staff who can give you information, advice and guidance on your programme; and you can also refer to a range of online information resources.
The teaching, learning and assessment of your key skills are also specific to the specialisms, and you should check the subject-specific specialism specifications. In many cases, they are indirectly assessed within the programme.
Frais de scolarité du programme
Opportunités de carrière
Skills for career development
Employers greatly value the high-level critical thinking, analysis, and communication skills acquired by studying for a humanities degree. You’ll sharpen your IT, writing, and independent thinking skills; and develop the ability to assimilate and evaluate relevant information in constructing an argument. These are key skills in complex organisations, greatly sought after in the world beyond study – whether you’re already working, volunteering, or changing careers.
Career relevance
L’étude des arts et des sciences humaines nécessite une compréhension des activités humaines dans divers environnements culturels et dans des circonstances historiques très différentes. L'étendue des études et la gamme de textes et d'objets culturels analysés, combinées à une formation à la pensée claire et à la communication, rendent ce cursus pertinent pour une grande variété de carrières, notamment :
- Public administration, local government, the civil service, art institutions, and social services
- Advertising, journalism, publishing, creative industries and public relations
- Education
- Legal work
- Business, banking and retail
- Human resources
- Charities and campaigning.
Other careers
Many graduate-level jobs are open to graduates of any discipline, particularly in business, finance, management consultancy and the public sector. Some careers may require further study, training and/or work experience beyond your degree.